There’s a lot of reason as to why a certain company needs social media marketing and it will depend on different factors like company profile, the products, and the customers that it is catering to. As the days go by, I would say there is also an increase when it comes to the importance of social media marketing that is very effective for most companies.
Social media channel is a good way of increasing a company’s trustworthiness and goodwill which will definitely give the said company and increased and better branding. When companies are able to have conversations with their customers, the result is going to be a great amount of credibility.
During the design phase of your project you will be asked to submit all documentation that will be displayed on your website such as video's, audio's, photo's, text documents & logo's. Design phase takes between 24 - 72 hrs.
Once the design phase is completed you will be asked to review your website, at which time your may submit any changes that may be desired. your may make as many changes as your so chose with in the designated time period of your design package.
Once Your have reviewed your website and found the content to your 100% satisfaction you will be asked to sign off on a completion form at which time your website will be surrendered & published for public viewing
First, the numbers. Mobile traffic currently makes up 10% of global Internet traffic and next year more people will use mobile phones than PCs to get online, according to Gartner. Purchases made on mobile devices amounted to $6.7 billion in the U.S. last year, or about 8% of total online sales, and are expected to nearly double to $11.6 billion this year. By 2015, U.S. mobile sales are forecast to reach $31 billion.
In 1997, there were approximately 1 million websites, and 10 years later, there were 150 million. In 2007, there were about 1 million mobile websites, and the number is supposed to reach 150 million by 2017. It is clear that mobile friendly websites are going to increase exponentially in the years to come.